Oznaka: piće


Sastojci (prepisano sa proizvoda): prženi ječam 70%, prženi korijen cikorije 30%. Sadrži najmanje 40% ekstrakta topivog u vodi. Reference: Napici od …


Reference: USDA – United States Department of Agriculture

Crni čaj

Reference: USDA – United States Department of Agriculture 

Sok od brusnice

Reference: USDA – United States Department of Agriculture 

Mlijeko rižino

Reference: USDA – United States Department of Agriculture 

Sok od jabuke

Reference: USDA – United States Department of Agriculture 

Sok od mrkve

Reference: USDA – United States Department of Agriculture 


Reference: USDA – United States Department of Agriculture 

Đumbirovo pivo

Reference: USDA – United States Department of Agriculture  Fotografija: Matt@TWN , izdano pod licencom (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Džin (gin)

Reference: USDA – United States Department of Agriculture